Engage Your Visitors!

How To Optimise Your Website For Conversions

Mar 11, 2022 | Website Strategy

If you have a website for your business, the most important thing is that it needs to perform well when it comes to turning visitors into leads or buyers. It’s not about looking pretty, flashy, cool because none of that matters if your website doesn’t convert.

So today I’ll be talking about a few ways in which you can optimise your website for the best conversions.

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1 – Value Proposition and Call To Action (CTA)

Number 1 is to have a clear value proposition and a call to action right above the fold (this is the part of the screen that is viewable without needing to scroll) because you only have a short few seconds before a visitor decides to stay on the page or exit the site.

A value proposition means that they can see immediately what you do and how you can help them. A call to action also needs to be visible in the form of a link or a button to help them take the next step you want them to.

is to have a clean professional design.

2 – Good Clean Design

A visually appealing website design with minimal clutter and distractions provides a much better user experience for visitors and get them to stay on the site for longer. That means they are more likely to view more of your content and act on your call to action.

3 – Clear Conversion Path

Figure out what the main conversion goal is and design the flow of your website to guide users through a clear and logical path. If they get confused, they will not convert so make sure the steps they need to take are obvious.

4 – Mobile Friendly

Make sure that your website works well on mobile and provides a great user experience. This means having the page automatically adjust and remove items on a page to better fit a smaller screen without having to scroll sideways. This is important because most visitors are going to be coming from mobile so doing this will make it easier for them to browse your website. 

5 – Use Well Written Copy

It’s very easy to write cliche or general information on your website but this doesn’t work very well for converting your visitors. Instead, try to focus on writing good quality content that is more relevant to your target client’s pain point and their goal.

They are more likely to resonate with it and therefore take action.

6 – Show Proof 

Trust is a big factor for conversions so showing some sort of proof will always help. You can do this by showing testimonials and case studies on your website as well as demonstrations of your work or product. Wherever possible try to use videos as this helps to build up trust more easily.

7 – Have An Email Opt-In 

Most people that come to your website and leave will never come back. This is because of a number of reasons, one of which is that there are just so many other websites online that could distract their attention.

Having them leave their email address is the most effective way to keep in touch with them and build a relationship that leads to a purchase. This could be presented as a newsletter signup or they could be offered some sort of freebie such as a downloadable checklist, a quick guide or training video.

If you need some extra help, check out some of my other resources here on my website and see some of the ways that I can help you with your online strategy.


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