When it comes to coming up with content ideas for your blog posts, it can sometimes become tricky to know what to write about.
In some cases, you may be stuck because you feel that you don’t have anything of value to say, or you may feel that there is already lots of content out there already on your topics.
In your mind, you probably don’t want to repeat publishing content that already exists as you want to be original.
Forget being original

Well, here’s the thing, hardly anything has been “original” for hundreds of years now. Most things that you see or learn about are a synthesis of ideas or things that already exist.
When it comes to content, your personal experiences, education, and thought process give you a different perspective. So when you write on the same topics that already exist, you ARE delivering your unique angle that may resonate with your people better than any other content that exists.
Ways to get ideas for blog posts
So now that you know that you shouldn’t shy away from “existing” content, this should allow you to think more creatively by seeing how you can add value or a different perspective.
Here are a few ways you can use to find ideas:
- Use Google to find the common topics in your niche and see what blog posts are ranking. Also use the suggested search as well as the “people also asked” feature to see what is popular.
- Look up popular blogs within your niche and come up with a list of topics based on their most popular posts. You can use their posts as a guide to create your own —just make sure not to steal other people’s content.
- Use Answer The Public to see what questions people are asking within your niche
- Make note of common questions you get from your audience or customers. If they keep asking the same things over and over, it’s likely that many others also have the same questions.
Those are just a few ways, but as you publish more and more, new content ideas will come. Just have a central document where you can store these ideas that you can draw from for your future posts.
Need extra help?
Check out the resources I have on futurestepscreative.com including online training and ongoing support, to help you build and grow your website and audience with content marketing.