Future Steps Creative Podcast – Episode #72: You can’t afford to have the majority of your website visitors leave without a trace. Most people are not yet ready to take action so you want to give them a reason to reach out to you and become a lead. View or...
Let’s face it, Artificial intelligence is all the craze right now. Just like with any new, revolutionary technology, people are divided about what’s going to happen and whether to accept it. It happened with the typewriter, the Internet, online...
An unclear message can leave your website visitors confused and unsure about your business and whether it’s for them. This episode is about making sure you hook your website visitors with the right message for your brand and target audience. After all, your...
One of the biggest turn-offs for a website visitor is just a bad appearance. If your website looks amateur, spammy, or just has poor presentation, it doesn’t give people a lot of confidence in doing business with you! Watch the video or listen to the audio...
Today, I walk through the 4 key steps to start a podcast for your business. Podcasting can help you connect with your ideal customer, build trust, and generate more sales. If you’ve wanted to start your own podcast, it’s never been easier to get up and...